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Hard Drives
Naples PC
Data Recovery / Backup
from $99.00
Anytime you purchase a new computer or a have a hard drive fail, you will need a data recovery service to either transfer to a new hard drive and or also try to recover this data from your failed hard drive. However, if the mechanism of the drive has failed, recovering the data can be nearly impossible without the use of a clean room, in which case we would need to ship it to a clean room and the cost sometimes outweighs the value of the recovered data for some. But in most cases we can recover the data for you and transfer it to your new hard drive. We then recommend using our data backup service to make sure you can recover your data from the cloud even if your local hard drive fails.
Naples PC
from $49.99
Naples PC provides a series of in office or onsite diagnostics for computers, websites, data recovery, and networks. We must perform a diagnostic in order to determine the issue or plan for a new setup. Unless the cost exceeds $199 (default cost) for each device we will attempt the repair without notification. You agree to pay the final cost upon successful computer repair. Computer Diagnostics are non-refundable. Most diagnostic fees will be credited toward the final repair for the affected device.
Naples PC
Hard Drive Replacement
from $50.00
Hard Drive Replacement Products by Naples PC include Sata, Solid State (SSD), and PCI Express (NVMe). Hard Drive fails / upgrades. We replace all Hard Drives and transfer your data from your old hard drives.